Soap Preparation Processing Writing 100 words.

The following processing writing is about the preparation of soap. It is processing writing. The word limit of the paragraph is about 100 words. In this paragraph, I have explained how soap is prepared. Read the processing writing carefully and try to compose a paragraph on the topic. So let’s begin.

Soap Processing Writing

Dear learner, first have a look at the following table. It is about the question type, marks and word limit of the topic. Just have a look at it and continue reading.

Writing TypeParagraph/Processing
Word Limit100
TopicSoap Preparation
Topic Info Table

Read the following chart and write a paragraph on how soap is prepared. The word limit of the paragraph would be a maximum of 100 words.

coconut oil, caustic soda and water — heated for half an hour — allowed to cool — common salt added — kept for 12 hours — cut into piecess

Soap Preparation Processing Writing

Soap cakes are a common household item. It is used to clean dirty clothes and dishes. It can be prepared easily at home. At first, coconut oil, caustic soda and water are mixed proportionately in a plastic or wooden pot. Then the solution is heated at medium temperature for an hour or so. After that, it is left to cool. Later, common salt is mixed with it in due proportion. Next, the mixture is spread on a flat surface and kept for twelve hours to condense. Finally, it is cut into the required sizes. Now soap cakes are ready to use or sell in the market.

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FAQ on Soap

1. What is the use of soap?

Soap is used for cleaning purposes. It has the ability to kill bacteria and viruses.

2. What is the colour of the soap?

The soap is slightly white in colour but colours are added to the soap. So we find soaps in many colours like red, green, yellow, pink, chocolate, orange blue purple etc.

3. Is it possible to make soap at home?

Yes, if you have the proper knowledge, you can make soap at home.

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