Publication of School Magazine Process Writing 100 words

The article is about the Publication of School Magazine. In this article, I have shown how a school magazine is published. The word limit of the paragraph is about 100 words. The processing writing is intended for the students of classes 9 and 10. Read the paragraphs at your ease and compose a processing writing of your own.

Publication of School Magazine

Dear learner, first look at the following table. It is about the question type, marks and word limit of the topic of the school magazine. Just look at it and continue reading.

Writing TypeProcessing
Word Limit100
TopicPublication of School Magazine
Topic Info Table

Use the following flow chart and write a paragraph on how a school magazine is published.

Flow Chart- Articles are collected from teachers and students — sorted — edited — arranged properly — sent to press — sent for final printing — printed in book forms — distributed

Publication of School Magazine

The publication of a school magazine is a lengthy process. At first, a magazine committee is formed. Then an editor is selected from the members of the committee. Next, a notice is served inviting writings from the students and teachers of the school. Everybody submits his/her writing within a specific date. Then these writings are sorted. The selected writings are then edited. Later a draft is prepared with the contents with the suggested layout. Thereafter, this draft is sent to the printer. After receiving the proof copies, necessary corrections are done. Next, corrected copies are sent to the printer for final printing. After printing the matter, a book form is given to it. The magazine is finally published and distributed among the students.

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FAQ on School Magazine

1. What is a School Magazine?

A school magazine is a booklet in which the teachers and the student publish their writings on different topics. From submitting articles to the process of printing- the whole thing is managed by the students and the teachers.

2. How long does it take to publish a school magazine?

The complete process takes more than a month. Sometimes, if the submission of articles is high, it takes 1 to 2 months.

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