Processing Writing on Potato Chips- 100 words

The following article is a processing writing on potato chips. In this article, the preparation of potato chips is explained in 100 words. The paragraph is important for class 9 and class 10.

Potato Chips Processing Writing

Dear learner, before studying the processing writing on Potato chips, please first look at the following table. It is about the question type, marks and word limit. Just check it and continue reading.

Question Type Processing Writing
Word Limit100
TopicPotato Chips
Topic Info Table

Study the flow chart below and write a paragraph on how potato chips are prepared in a factory.

potato collected — sorted — cleaned — cut into round pieces — added — salt and spices — dried — packed and labelled — ready for eating

Preparation of Potato Chips

Potato chips are crispy and delicious. These are prepared in factories. At first, potatoes are bought from the market. Then these are sent to the factory. There they are sorted. The rotten and defective potatoes are removed. Thereafter they are cleaned in fresh water. They are left for some time to dry. Later they are cut into circular thin pieces. Next salt and spices are added to the slice. Then these pieces are left in the sun and air for some time for drying. Next, they are fried deep in oil in a big cauldron. Now the slices of potatoes are turned into chips. These are packed and sealed then with the brand name. Finally, they are ready and sent to the market for sale.

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FAQ on Potato Chips

1. What are the main ingredients in potato chips?

The main ingredients of potato chips are potatoes, salt, and vegetable oil. You can also add chilli, onion, garlic and ginger powder to increase its taste.

Preparation of Potato chips

Time needed: 10 minutes

1. how potato chips are made step by step.

  1. Buying

    Potatoes are bought from the market.

  2. Sorting

    Potatoes are checked and rechecked.

  3. Cleaning

    Potatoes are cleaned with fresh water.

  4. Cutting

    Potatoes are cut into round pieces.

  5. Adding Spices

    Salt and other spices are added.

  6. Drying

    The pieces are left in the sun for some 20 minutes.

  7. Frying

    The pieces are deep-fried.

  8. Chips

    Now potato turns into potato chips.

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