Preparation of Lemon Squash Processing Writing 100 words

The following paragraph is a processing writing on the preparation of lemon squash. The word limit of the paragraph is about 100 words. It is for the students of classes 9 and 10. Read the processing writing carefully and try to compose a paragraph of your own. So let’s begin.

Preparation Lemon Squash Processing Writing

Dear student, first, take a look at the following table. It is about the question type, word limit and marks of the topic. Just have a look at it and continue reading.

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Writing TypeProcessing
Word Limit100
TopicLemon Squash
Topic Info Table

Describe in about 100 words how lemon squash is prepared. Use the following chart

Collecting lemons and scrubbing them — scrapping the lemon rind — boiling lemon with water — allowing it to cool — squeezing out the juice — straining it — mixing citric acid and sugar — pouring in dry clean bottles — packed and sending to the market

Preparation of Lemon Squash

Lemon squash is a refreshing drink. It is liked by all in all seasons, especially on hot summer days. It is prepared through a number of stages. At first, lemons are collected from the market. These are then scrubbed well. After washing the rind of each lemon is scrapped away. Next, the lemons are boiled in water. These are then allowed to cool. After this, the juice is squished out of the lemons. Now, the juice is strained through a sieve into a container. Thereafter, citric acid and sugar are mixed with the juice. After this, the mixture is poured into dry, clean bottles. Finally, the bottles are packed and sent to the market for sale.

Thank you for reading the paragraph. You can also read paragraphs on the Lemon Juice Processing Writing, Preparation of Orange Juice, the Preparation of Mango Pickle, the Process of washing Dirty Clothes or Paper Making

FAQ on Lemon Squash

Time needed: 45 minutes

Lemon Squash Preparation in 7 Steps

  1. Collecting Lemons

    Lemons are collected from the garden or bought from the market.

  2. Washing Lemons

    The lemons are washed properly.

  3. Rinding Lemons

    The rind of the lemons is removed.

  4. Boiling Lemons

    Then they are boiled for 20 to 30 minutes.

  5. Juicing Lemons

    The juice is extracted

  6. Sieving

    With a sieve, the juice is purified.

  7. Adding Chemicals

    Citric acid and sugar are added to the juice.

  8. Packing

    Then it is packed in bottles

  9. Consumption

    It is sent to the market or stored at home for future consumption.

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