Preparation of Mustard Oil Processing Writing

The following processing writing is on the preparation or extraction of mustard oil for the students and for general knowledge.

The article is divided into two parts. The first one is a general 100-word short processing writing and the second part is on the detailed processing of mustard oil.

So let’s begin our first part. The following paragraph explains how mustard oil is processed, prepared, or extracted from seeds in 100 words. So read the paragraph carefully and note how to write such processing writing.

Preparation of Mustard oil

Look at the following table. It’s about the marks and word limit. Just look at it and continue reading.

Question TypeProcessing Writing
Word Limit100
TopicMustard Oil Preparation
Topic Info Table

Use the following flow chart and describe the preparation of Mustard oil in 100 words.

Flow Chart: seeds collected — crushed in a machine — a little water added — oil extracted — oil cakes separated — oil kept in containers — sealed — ready for use or sale

Preparation of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is a beneficial ingredient for cooking Indian dishes. It is prepared from mustard seeds in the oil mills. At first, seeds are collected from the market. Then they are washed in water. Afterwards, the seeds are dried in the sunlight for 1 or 2 days. Later they are sent to the oil mills. There they are crushed in a machine. The oil is extracted and the oil cakes are separated. Then the oil is poured into containers and the containers are sealed properly. Finally, mustard oil is ready to be sold in the market.

Processing of Mustard Oil

For better understanding, I have divided the process into six steps. They are seed cleaning, grinding, heating, pressing, filtering and storage. Let’s learn them one by one. I haven’t counted the seed collection, packaging and marketing in my article because they are obvious for the business.

Seed Collection

Mustard is a Rabi crop in India. So collecting seeds at the proper time is good for a healthy business. A large sum of money may be required for the collection and storage of the seeds. If you can do it, it will benefit you in the off-season.

Seed Cleaning

In this process, impurities like dust, dirt, stones and other foreign particles are removed from the seeds. This part is essential to maintain the quality of the oil. Various equipment like an air bowler and magnet is used in this part.


Next, the cleaned mustard seeds are crushed or grind to a fine powder. This is done with the help of a grinder. This process removes the oil from the seeds. So it becomes easy to extract the oil from the powder.


The crushed mustard seeds are then heated. This process is done for two reasons. It enhances the oil extraction process and also increases the oil yield. The second reason is that it adds an aroma and flavour to the oil.


After heating the mustard powder, it is pressed to extract the oil. A rotating mechanical screw or an oil expeller is used in this process. For best yield [up to 26 % oil] the powder is pressed for up to one hour or more.


Filtering of the oil is important to avoid any kind of impurities in the final product. Customers would not buy filthy oil. Equipment like filter paper, filter clothes and filter presses are used in this process. They remove any kind of solid impurities in the oil.


Storing is the last but not the least point. High-quality storage is essential for maintaining the good quality of the oil. Air-tight and clean container keeps the oil safe from oxidation. Mustard oil must be kept in a cool and dry place to maintain its quality and shelf life.

Packaging and Marketing

This part is important for a large-scale business. If you wish to start a business in the mustard oil production field, you must have knowledge about packaging and marketing.

An attractive package adds extra value to your oil. This leads to more sales of your oil.

Marketing is also important for your mustard oil. Without customers, you have no business. The commodity market in India is heavily dependent on commissions. You can also employ a sales manager for this purpose.

How much oil is extracted from 1 kg of Mustard Seeds

The question is a tricky one. It depends upon many factors such as the variety of the mustard seeds, the quality of the mustard seeds and the extraction process. On average, 1 kg of mustard seeds can produce a minimum of 300 grams or 330 ml of mustard oil.

Thank you for reading the preparation of mustard oil processing writing. You can also read 100 words paragraphs on-

FAQ on Mustard Oil

1. How much oil is extracted from 1 kg of mustard seeds?

General rules, 3 kg of mustard seeds are required for 1 kg of mustard oil. So for 1 kg mustard seeds produce 333 (approx) gm of oil.

2. How many kg of seeds are needed for 15 litres of mustard oil?

So to produce 15 litres of oil, you need 45 kg of seeds.

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