Autumn by John Clare class 9 (IX) Text-Word notes-Summary

Swarup Mondal

The following article is about the full text of the poem Autumn by John Clare of class 9 (IX). Here I have included the full text with word notes, line-by-line explanation and a Summary. Please read the poem and understand the theme and meaning of the poem. Let’s begin.


— by John Clare

First Stanza

I love the fitful gust that shakes
The casement all day,
And from the elm-tree takes
The faded leaves away,
Twirling them by the window pen
With thousand others down the lane.

Word Notes (1st Stanza):

Fitful (Adj)restless, capricious
Gust (N)a sudden blast of wind
Shakes (V)tremble, moves
Casementwindow without bar
Mossyfull of moss
Fadedwithered, colourless
Pen a slab of window glass
Lanea narrow passage, alley
word notes Table 1

1st Stanza Bengali Translation

আমি ভালোবাসি হটাৎ আসা দমকা বাতাস, যা নাড়িয়ে যায়
বড় জানলা গুলো সারাদিন ধরে,
এবং সেওলা ঢাকা এলম গাছ থেকে
হলুদ পাতাগুলোকে নিয়ে যায় বহুদূরে,
জানলার গা ছুঁয়ে নামিয়ে দেওয়া,
হাজার হাজার পাতাকে গলিতে নিয়ে যায়।

Second Stanza:

I love to see the shaking twig
Dance till the shut of eve
The sparrow on the cottage rig,
Whose chirp would make believe
That spring was just flirting by
In summar’s lap with flowers to lie.

Word Notes (2nd Stanza):

Shaking (Adj)moving, trembling
Twig (N)small soft branch
Shut (N)closure
eve (N)evening
cottage (N)hut, a small house
rig (N)top most part
chirp (V)Twitter
flirting (participle)pretending love
lap (N)the front part of a seated person
Word Notes Table 2

Second Stanza Bengali Traslation:

ভালো লাগে দেখতে কঁচি ডাল গুলো,
যেগুলো কাঁপে আর নেচে যায় সারাদিন।
কুড়ে ঘরের চালে চড়ুই পাখি
কিচির মিচির করে সারাটা দিন।
বসন্তের ভ্রান্তি, ফুল শুধু ঘুমিয়ে আছে
গ্রীষ্মের নিদাঘ কোলে।

Autumn Third Stanza Class 9:

I love to see the cottage smoke
Curl upward through the naked trees,
The pigeons nestled round the cote
On dull November days like these;
The cock upon the dung-hill crowing,
The mill sails on the heath a-going.

Word Notes (3rd Stanza):

Curl (V)coil
naked (V & Adj)bare
pigeons (N)doves
nestled (V)settled comfortably
cote (N)nest, shelter for birds
dull (Adj)drab, depressed
dung-hill (N)heap of dung
mill (N)factory
sails on (V)moves smoothly
heath (N)barren land
a-going (Adv)continue for something
Word Notes Table 3

Third Stanza Bengali Translation

ভালো লাগে দেখতে, কুড়ে ঘর থেকে ধুঁয়া
পাক খেয়ে উঠে যায় উপরে পাক খেয়ে।
পায়রারা চারপাশে নিশ্চিন্তে আশ্রয় নেয়।
নিরস নভেম্বর, এমন দিনে মোরগ ডাকে
গোবরের স্তূপের উপরে। সেই ডাক
ভেসে যায় দিগন্ত থেকে দিগন্তে।

Last Stanza

The feather from the raven’s breast
Falls on the stubble lea,
The acorns near the old crow’s nest
Fall pattering down the tree;
The grunting pigs, that wait for all,
Scramble and hurry where they fall.

Word Notes (Last Stanza)

feather (N)plumage
raven (N)a kind of large crow
breast (V)chest
falls (V)drops
stubble (N)short stiff stalks of grain
lea (N)land covered
acorns (N)the fruit of oak trees
pattering (participle)making soft sound
grunting (participle)making guttural sound
scramble (V)move hurriedly
hurry (V)make haste
Word Notes Table 4

4th Stanza Bengali Meaning

দাড় কাকের বুকের পালক
ঝড় পড়ে ফসল কাটা ঘাসে ঢাকা
জমির ওপর, বুড়ো কাকের বাস
এর পাশে শুকনো ওক ফল ঝরে পরে
টুপ টাপ শব্দ করে, নিচে মাটিতে।
শুকর ছানা ওক ফল খোঁজে
এখানে ওখানে, যেখানে পরে সেখানে।

Substance/Summary of Autumn

The peasant poet John Clare loves the blustering wind that shakes the casement all day long. The powerful wind carries the unnumbered dry leaves from the mossy elm tree twirling by the window pane and the narrow lane. The poet is enchanted by the shivering of the twigs of the tree till the darkness of evening engulfs them. The poet takes pleasure when he sees the sparrows chirping on the cottage roof.

It makes everyone believe as if spring is laid in the lap of buoyant and gay summer with all its flowers. The poet is deeply moved to see the cottage smoke coiling heavenwards through the bare and leafless trees. The pigeons lie down comfortably in their rest to enjoy the warmth in the dull days of November. The cock crows on the dunghill.

A strong and powerful wind helps to sail the wheels of the windmill uninterrupted on the heath. The feather from the raven’s breast falls on the lea, covered with the stubble of garnered crops. The poet looks at the acorns falling down from the oak trees on the ground rhythmically near the old crow’s nest. The grunting pigs are in a hurry to devour the fallen acorns.

Annotations from Autumn

Fitful gust that shakes/the casement all day

The weather in Autumn turns cooler and windier. Also, casements are bigger windows attached to the frames by hinges. These casement-like windows are very popular in the U.K. Clare speaks of the autumnal weather in the U.K. and shows how the gusty weather shakes the window pane.

The sparrow on the cottage rig

The sparrow reminds the poet of the spring and summer seasons. The chirp of the birds brings for the poet the warmth of spring and summer in the dull days of November.

The pigeons nestled round the cote

There is an imagery in this line. We can as if witness a group of pigeons gathering around a nest and trying to keep themselves warm.

The movement of the poem

The poem moves gradually from the outer to the more inner areas of the countryside. From the window pen to the lane it moves to the cottage roof. Then it goes further to the heath of the countryside with the wind mills moving and the stubble lea. Thus, it shows the poet’s personal views on autumn.

Thank you for reading the poem Autumn by John Clare of class 9 (IX) and the summary followed by it. You can also read-

General Queries

1. Who is the poet of Autumn?

John Clare is the poet of Autumn.

2. What type of poem is Autmn?

Autumn is a lyric poem.

3. Name an animal mentioned in the poem Autumn?

The only animal mentioned in the poem is the pig.

4. How many birds did the poet mention in the poem?

The poet John Clare mentioned five birds in his poem Autumn. They are sparrows, pigeons, cock, ravens and crows.

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