Sea Fever Question-Answer (Exercise & Extra Questions Answers)

Swarup Mondal

This page is dedicated to the Comprehension question-answer of the poem Sea Fever by John Masefield of Class 10. Please study the questions and answers from the poem. There are also extra questions and answers from the text. Read them at your ease.

Sea Fever Question-Answer Class 10

Dear learner, before you start reading, please have a look at the following table. It is about an outline idea of what you are going to read-

Source (Text)Sea Fever
AuthorJohn Masefield
ClassX (10)
Question TypeMCQ, SAQ, Grammar, Writing
Topic Info Table

Comprehension exercises Question-Answer (Sea Fever)

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: (MCQ)

(a) The poet asks for a sail the colour of which would be-

(i) blue
(ii) grey
(iii) black
(iv) white

(b) While going down to the sea, the poet wants to hear the crying of

(i) Seagulls
(ii) cuckoos
(iii) eagles
(iv) swallows

(c) The wind on the sea is like a whetted

(i) sword
(ii) axe
(iii) knife
(iv) spear

2. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer:

(a) To steer the ship the poet needs the moon. False

Supporting statement: “And all I ask is a tall ship to steer her by.”

(b) The call of the running tide is wild and clear. True

Supporting statement: “The call of the running tide is a wild call and a clear call.”

(c) The poet is going out to the sea for the first time. False

Supporting statement: “I must go down the seas again.”

3. Answer the following questions: (SAQ)

(a) During what time of the day does the poet wish to go down to the seas?

ANSWER: The poet wished to go down to the seas at the hour of daybreak.

(b) What kind of day does the poet prefer for sailing?

ANSWER: The poet prefers a windy day when white clouds are flying in the sky.

(c) What does the poet prefer to hear from a fellow rover?

ANSWER: From a fellow rover the poet prefers to hear a joyful story when the journey is over.

Grammar in use

The grammatical questions and answers are moved to the end of the page. Please scroll down to get the answers.

Writing activities (Questions) from the poem Sea Fever

The writing section of the sea fever is in another page. Please click the ANSWER button to continue

5. Write a summary of the following passage (within 100 words):

Egyptian kings are called Pharaohs. Tutankhamun was an Egyptian king who ruled between 1332-1323 BC. Tutankhamun was very young when he became king. He was only ten years old when he ascended the throne. …

6. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) on the incident of burglary in a flat in Kolkata using the following points:

date and place – time occupants of the house – number of robbers- list of articles that were stolen- police investigation

Read More: The Snail Poem Questions & Answers

Extra Question-Answer from Sea Fever

Here are some extra question-answer from the poem Sea Fever. The question types are MCQ questions, SAQ questions, True False Questions and Completion type questions.

Extra MCQ Questions & Answers from Sea Fever

1, All I ask is a windy day with white clouds-

  1. flying
  2. floating
  3. moving
  4. passing

2. The poet wants a ship that has enough-

  1. length
  2. weight
  3. height
  4. weight

3. The call of the running tide is-

  1. natural
  2. unnatural
  3. undeniable
  4. clear

4. And all I ask is a merry-

  1. lyric
  2. yarn
  3. poem
  4. song

5. The poet wishes to go down to the-

  1. leas
  2. seas
  3. mountains
  4. valleys

6. What will help the poet in his sea voyage-

  1. sky
  2. sun
  3. moon
  4. star

7. The star in the poem refers-

  1. Sun
  2. Jupiter
  3. Venus
  4. Polestar

8. The poet needs with him-

  1. a star
  2. a tall ship
  3. a captain
  4. a tall ship and a star

9. The colour of the sail will be-

  1. Blue
  2. Yellow
  3. White
  4. Red

10. The colour of the mist is-

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. blue
  4. grey

11. The mist will be found-

  1. on the sea’s face
  2. over the island
  3. over the mountain
  4. in the desert

12. The colour of the breaking dawn is-

  1. grey
  2. white
  3. blue
  4. red

13. The poet wants a-

  1. stormy day
  2. windy day
  3. rainy day
  4. clear day

14. The word ‘spume’ means-

  1. ebb
  2. tide
  3. foam
  4. frown

15. The only bird mentioned in the poem is-

  1. Eagle
  2. Seagull
  3. Thrush
  4. Robin

16. The phrase, “I must go down” denotes the poet’s-

  1. determination
  2. depression
  3. exhaustion
  4. tension

17. The wind in the poem is compared to a-

  1. snake
  2. knife
  3. bird
  4. sword

18. The poet wished for the company of a-

  1. a sail
  2. a sailor
  3. a captain
  4. a seagull

19. In the phrase, “when the trick is over”, ‘trick’ means-

  1. cleverness
  2. plan
  3. journey
  4. intellect

20. According to the poet, sea life is-

  1. static
  2. dull
  3. fascinating
  4. boring

21. In the poem “fellow rover” stans for-

  1. a flowing river
  2. a nice guy
  3. a story-teller
  4. an accompanying sailor

22. The white sail of the ship is-

  1. shaking
  2. flying
  3. floating
  4. tearing

23. The poet asks a star to-

  1. guide and control the ship
  2. guide the mariners
  3. guide and control the ship’s captain
  4. guide and control the sea voyagers

24. The poet wants a-

  1. gypsy life
  2. settled life
  3. quiet life
  4. peaceful life

25. The poet longs to go down-

  1. lonely sea
  2. the sky
  3. both a and b
  4. none

Extra Completion Type Question-Answer from Sea Fever

1, The poet can not deny the call of the running tide.

2. During the voyage the poet wants a day with the white clouds flying and seagulls crying.

3. The poet wants to hear a joyful tale from a laughing fellow rover.

4. The asks for a life of a gypsy.

5. The wild call is of the running tides.

6. For guiding his ship the poet needs the help of the North Star.

7. The sea would be covered by grey mist.

Extra True False Questions & Answers from Sea Fever

1, The poet wished to rest at the end of his journey. True

Supporting Statement: And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

2. The poet needs help to steer his ship. True

Supporting Statement: And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.

3. The poet can not deny the call of the seas. True

Supporting Statement: … a clear call that can not be denied.

4. The poet wants the sail to be grey on the ship. False

Supporting Statement: the white sail’s shaking.

5. The poet does not want a tall ship. False

Supporting Statement: And all I ask is a tall ship.

Extra SAQ Questions & Answers from Sea Fever

1. What kind of life does the poet desire?

Answer: The poet desires a free and aimless life of a vagabond.

2. What is meant by ‘sea’s face’?

Answer: Sea’s face refers to the surface of the sea.

3. What is meant by ‘tall ship’?

Answer: By ‘tall ship’, the author refers to a hardy ship that can overcome all hurdles.

4. How is the call of the running tide?

Answer: The call of the running tide is a wild and clear call that can not be denied.

5. What does the poet mean by ‘long trick’?

Answer: The phrase ‘long trick’ refers to a long journey.

6. What does the word again suggest in the poem?

Answer: The word ‘again‘ suggests that the poet experience sea voyages before.

7. What is common in the sea and the sky?

Answer: According to the poet, both the sea and the sky are lonely.

8. Why is the white sail shaken?

Answer: The white sail is shaken by the wind which is favourable for a voyage.

9. Where does the poet hear the call from?

Answer: The poet hears the call from the running tide and sea.

10. What does the word ‘sleep’ suggest?

Answer: The word sleep suggests a long-time rest. It also suggests death.

Grammatical Question-Answer from Sea Fever

1. What a shocking sight! (change into an assertive sentence)

This is a very shocking sight.

2. I am sure of his success. (change into a complex sentence)

I am sure that he will succeed.
I am sure that he will be successful.

3. Snigdha is not only wise but also brave. (change into a simple sentence)

Snigdha is wise and brave.

Thank you for reading the questions and answers from the Sea Fever. Now please share this page with a friend and help him in his study.


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