My Own True Family Extra Question Answer Class 10

Swarup Mondal

The following article is on the extra question answer from My Own True Family by Ted Hughes of Class 10. A set of MCQ questions and a bunch of fill-in-the-blank types of questions are added to the article. Read all the questions and check the answers that are incorporated at the end of each kind of question.

My Own True Family Extra Question Answer

Dear learner, are you looking for extra questions and answers from the poem My Own True Family by Ted Hughes? Yes, you are in right place. Anyway, check the information below and continue reading.

Question TypeMCQ, SAQ, T-F
PoemMy Own True Family
PoetTed Hughes
Topic Information

My Own True Family Extra MCQ Question Answer

1. Finally the boy discovers his own identity among –

A) An old woman

B) the stag

C) other human beings

D) the trees

2. The woman whom the poet met in the oakwood was-

A) a witch

B) a representative of the trees

C) a dweller in the forest

D) a wood picker

3. The appearance of the old woman made the poet-

A) kind

B) frightened

C) shocked

D) thoughtful

4. The word ‘knobbly means-

A) honesty

B) unsteady

C) weakly

D) in a noble manner

5. The tribe threatens the poet to make a-

A) wish

B) request

C) promise

D) command

6. The old woman the boy met was-

A) shabby

B) elegant

C) smart

D) invalid

7. This poem encourages children to-

A) grow trees

B) kill trees

C) enter the woods

D) love dreams

8. When the oak trees are chopped down, the poet-

A) expresses grief

B) plants more trees

C) does not blink an eye

D) complains to other authorities

9. The old woman was carrying a-

A) stick

B) plant

C) rag

D) bag

10. The poet left the oakwood for-

A) a solitary place

B) human company

C) a stag

D) a market

11. The oak trees wanted the poet to make-

A) promise

B) prayer

C) wish

D) contract

12. As the old woman opened her bag, the narrator-

A) woke up from slumber

B) stared

C) blinked

D) took a nap

13. The poet began to quake seeing the old woman-

A) awake

B) staring

C) cackle

D) opening her bag

14. The little boy entered the oak wood stealthily in search of a-

A) male deer

B) female deer

C) ram

D) goat

15. The poet’s own true family constituted of-

A) human beings

B) wild animals

C) oak trees

D) tree trunk

16. The poet ‘came awake’-

A) once

B) twice

C) thrice

D) never

17. The poet met the oaks in his state of-

A) consciousness

B) unconsciousness

C) subconsciousness

D) semi-consciousness

18. To save his life from the oaks, the poet-

A) made a plan

B) planted two trees

C) swore to preserve trees

D) gave no words to the trees

19. The black oak will root the poet among –

A) stags

B) oaks

C) sands

D) stones

20. Here ‘cackle’ means-

A) babble

B) to remain silent

C) telling lies

D) a perfect voice

21. The expression you don’t blink an eye suggests that the boy was-

A) sympathetic

B) indifferent

C) angry

D) loving

22. His walk was the walk of a-

A) deer

B) stag

C) human child

D) tree

23. The old woman said that she had the poet’s secret inside-

A) her little bag

B) her hand

C) her mouth

D) a knot of her cloth

24. The Woman began to-

A) cackle

B) smile

C) cry

D) laugh

25. Poet found himself surrounded by-

A) gipsies

B) old man

C) old women

D oak trees

26. The poet was tied to a/an

A) pillar

B) stake

C) iron rod

D) tree trunk

27. All knobbly stick and rag’-the expression describes a/an-

A) oak tree

B) old woman

C) male deer

D) the poet

28. Whenever the boy sees an oak tree felled, he is supposed to plant-

A) one tree

B) two trees

C) three trees

D) four trees

29. The boy crept in

A)  pinewood

B) deodar wood

C) oakwood

D) mango  wood

30. In the oakwood the poet met an-

A) old friend

B) old lady

C) old witch

D) old stag

31. The woman whom the poet met in the oak wood was-

A) aged

B) middle-aged

C) young

D) very young

32. The oak trees threatened the poet unless he made a promise-

A) he was to be tied to a stake

B) he was going to die

C) he would be beaten with a stick

D) he would be disowned by the tree

My Own True Family Extra MCQ Answers-

1 D2 B3 B4 B
5 C6 A7 A8 C
9 D10 B11 A12 A
13 C14 A15 C16 B
17 D18 C19 B20 A
21 B22 D23 A24 A
25 D26 B27 B28 B
29 C30 B31 A32 B
MCQ Question Answer Key

My Own True Family Extra True-False Question Answer

1. The old woman cast a spell on the little boy.

Supporting Statement: ” ….. and I came twice awake”

2. The oak tree believed that the boy had a stunned emotional growth.

Supporting Statement: “Where you were born but never grow.”

3. In the oak wood, the boy was looking for a woman.

Supporting Statement: “I was looking for a stag.”

4. When the old lady told the secrets of the bag, the boy was awakened twice.

Supporting Statement: “She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake.”

5. In the oak wood the boy met a young girl.

Supporting Statement: “I met an old woman there all knobbly stick and rag.”

6. The old woman wore a messy dress.

Supporting Statement: “I met an old woman there all knobbly stick and rag.”

7. Seeing the old woman the poet began to cackle.

Supporting Statement: “Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.”

8. The poet was surrounded by a tribe who tied him to a stake.

Supporting Statement: “Surrounded by a staring tribe and me I’d to a stake.”

9. The oak trees claimed to be the boy’s real family.

Supporting Statement: “We are oak trees and your own true family.

10. The poet tries to stop the destruction of the tree.

Supporting Statement: “We are chopped down, we are torn up, and you don’t blink an eye.”

11. The oak trees did not force the boy to make a promise.

Supporting Statement: “Unless you make a promise now, now you are going to die.

12. The oak trees promised to reward the poet if he did not plant trees.

Supporting Statement: “Whenever you see an oak tree felled ……….. wrinkle you over.”

13. The poet had a dream in the oak wood.

Supporting Statement: “This was my dream beneath the boughs.”

14. The poet was altered by the stag.

Supporting Statement: “……………….. the dream that altered me.”

15. The poet never came out of the oak wood.

Supporting Statement: “When I came out of oak wood.”

16. Coming out of the oakwood the poet walked like a human child.

Supporting Statement: “My walk was the walk of a human child.”

17. When the oaks are destroyed, the poet does not care.

Supporting Statement: “We are chopped down, we are torn up and you do not blink an eye.”

My Own True Family Extra True-False Answer


My Own True Family Extra SAQ Question Answer

1 What was the child looking for?

Answer: the child was looking for a stag.

2. Who is the old woman in the poem?

Answer: The old woman in the poem “My own True Family” represents mother nature.

3. Whom did the poet meet in the wood?

Answer: The poet met an old woman there.

4. ” I came twice awake”- What does the expression twice awake mean?

Answer: The expression suggests a moral reawakening of the poet- a transmission from ignorance to knowledge.

5. “Unless you make a promise”- Who is the person spoken to? What is the promise?

Answer: The person spoken to is the poet himself.

He is asked to make a promise that whenever he sees an oak tree felled, he will plant two.

6. What does the phrase ‘All knobbly stick and rag’ suggest?

Answer: The phrase “all knobbly stick and rag” suggests the miserable condition of nature due to the exploitation of human beings.

7. What made the poet quake?

Answer: The cackling of the old shabby woman made the poet quake.

8. What was the old woman carrying in her bag?

Answer: The old woman was carrying the secrets of the poet in her bag.


1. Who is the poet of My Own True Family?

Ted Hughes is the poet of My Own True Family.

2. What type of poem is My Own True Family?

My Own True Family is an allegory.

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